Design by Joan Molins y Tura and Salvador Vidal
54x40x6h cm (folded)
54x40x22,5h cm (desdoblada)
Tray with foldable legs inspired by the Japanese design austerity. SINGLE TRAY is made 100% natural oak or walnut tree wood.
It could be lived, as an experience, the reception of calm, the uptake of a dilated instant within time, a connection point: the dynamic motionless, because by definition, trays appear, move and disappear as connection servers, but since they are made of natural wood the moment of connection makes it show the point of immobility and roots.
We have reached what we pretended: first, a tray that will invite you to touch it, that, because it is made of wood, to supply nature, a link with the earth, and this would be a contrast with its volatility and motionless function.
In second place we pretended its configuration would transmit a density of rest, a deep calm, an articulated balance, a refrained eloquence; that its presence would make an instant of dilated time, an enjoyed time, that you could perceive a motionless movement.
The trays SINGLE TRAY, come out as a result of the editor search, as a market consumer, of a tray with an attractive design which would meet the effective functionality of the object.
SINGLE TRAY has the goal of becoming a wide tray to accommodate all things you want to move from one place to another, with functionality and design.
Once we had it fabricated we noticed it didn´t fit many needs and uses of present life. The SINGLE TRAY version adds foldable legs that allow you to use the tray even if there is not a place where to lean upon, like a sofa, a bed, etc
We would highlight according with the following pronouns range:
- Mine: "Single" thought for self service; for the satisfaction of self serving breakfast, lunch or dinner in only one tray, without unnecessary transfers. But also, with the SINGLE TRAY it is possible to place on it the computer (notebooks, books, booklets….) or memos, at the sofa or bed, to be able to work.
- Yours: How is the impact of your partner offering you breakfast in bed? In any case, your partner will need a tray to do so. Just like when you are sick . Your partner, or the person you are caring for, needs a tray wide enough and able to stand by itself. All this characteristics are fitted by the SINGLE TRAY since it has foldable legs.
- Ours, yours or theirs: Shows the hospitality of serving coffee or tea with the complete set in unusual places where you don´t have a place available for the tray to lean on.
Con la SINGLE TRAY puede vivirse, como experiencia, la recepción de la calma, la captación de un instante dilatado en el tiempo. Las bandejas aparecen, se mueven y desaparecen como servidores de enlaces y, precisamente en ese movimiento dinámico, se puede descubrir, por contraste, la inmovilidad, además de vivir como algo cálido y buen trato ese punto de conexión entre personas que es la bandeja.
Se ha conseguido lo que se pretendía: primero, una bandeja que invitara a tocarla, que, al ser de madera, comunicara naturaleza, un vínculo con la tierra y que esto fuera un contraste con su función de volatilidad y movilidad.
En segundo lugar que su configuración transmitiera una densidad de reposo, una calma profunda, un equilibrio articulado, una elocuencia de abstención; que su presencia produjera un instante de tiempo dilatado, un tiempo disfrutado, que se percibiera un movimiento inmóvil.
Con el fin de adaptarse a las exigencias de tu proyecto, las bandejas SINGLE se pueden personalizar en sus acabados de maderas y barnices.
Al tratarse de una bandeja de madera maciza 100% natural, se garantiza la falta de deformación, salvo en los casos de exposición a cambios extremos de temperatura.
El barnizado al agua tiene una durabilidad de 10 años siempre y cuando no sufra un uso severo.
Hay una garantía mínima de 2 años por la que, fuera de daños producidos por golpes, se reparará la estructura de manera gratuita.